(마지막 업데이트: 2014-03-14 15:51)

Visual Studio에서 XML 주석을 "내용까지 채워서" 자동으로 만들어 주는 플러그인 프로그램이다.

간단하게 주석 만들 때 매우 유용하다.




XML comments are invaluable tools when documenting your application. Using XML comments, you can mark up your code and then, using a tool like nDoc, you can generate help files or MSDN-like Web documentation based on those comments. The only problem with XML documentation is the time it takes to write it you often end up writing similar statements over and over again. The goal of GhostDoc is to automate the tedious parts of writing XML comments by looking at the name of your class or method, as well as any parameters, and making an educated guess as to how the documentation should appear based on recommended naming conventions. This is not a replacement for writing thorough documentation of your business rules and providing examples, but it will automate the mindless part of your documentation generation.

For instance consider the method shown here: private void SavePerson(Person person) { } After installing GhostDoc, you can right-click on the method declaration and choose Document this. The following comments will then be added to your document: ///

/// Saves the person. ///

/// Person. private void SavePerson(Person person) { } As you can see, GhostDoc has automatically generated a summary based on how the method was named and has also populated the parameter comments. Don't stop hereyou should add additional comments stating where the person is being saved to or perhaps give an example of creating and saving a person. Here is my comment after adding some additional information by hand: ///

/// Saves a person using the configured persistence provider. ///

/// The Person to be saved private void SavePerson(Person person) { }

Adding these extra comments is much easier since the basic, redundant portion is automatically generated by GhostDoc. GhostDoc also includes options that allow you to modify existing rules and add additional rules that determine what kind of comments should be generated.

GhostDoc was written by Roland Weigelt and can be downloaded from www.roland-weigelt.de/ghostdoc.


다운로드: http://submain.com/products/ghostdoc.aspx

Posted by 떼르미

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