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Bookmarklets are little snippets of code that enhance your browser by adding new functionality. Any of the code below can be applied to any web page you are currently viewing.
JavaScript Tools
Borders on
Description: Sets all table border widths on the page to 1 so you can easily see the page layout
Description: Looks up the selected word on dictionary.com.
DOM Browser
Description: Explore the Document Object Model of any web page.
Edit Content
Description: Toggles the contenteditable attribute on or off so you can edit the page
Insert Symbol
Description: Pops up a window where you can choose a symbol. once selected, the symbol is placed on your clipboard so you can paste it where ever you need it.
Description: Puts the mouse's coordinates in the status bar so you can measure things.
No onunload
Description: Blocks a website's ability to pop-up a window when navigating away from their page
Description: Allows you to resize your browser to popular resolution sizes without actually changing your resolution. Good for testing how your web page will look at different resolutions.
Run Code Entered
Description: Pops up a textbox where you can enter JavaScript code that will be run against the current web page. For example, if you're debugging your code and want to know what the current value of a variable is, you can enter "alert(variableName)" in the box.
Run Code Selected
Description: When you see a code sample on a page, you can select the code and click this bookmark to automatically write the code into its own window and run it.
Show Derived Code
Description: Shows the run-time code of a page. (Good for debugging)
For even more bookmarklets, search on Google.
Good luck!
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